The Accidental Winemaker
I never dreamed that I'd be a winemaker! Several years ago, we came to California with our small herd of horses to escape the Florida summers. While my wife was fully involved with the horses, I became interested in the vineyards around our ranch. Met some good people, got interested. And now, in 2020, we've bottled the first of grapes that I helped source and blend, wines that have my input with the assistance of master winemaker, Steve Clifton.
Hopefully, you will enjoy drinking these wines as much as I've enjoyed making them.
Kent Mitchell
A New Year
Well, December was quite a busy month. Relocating the horses and ducks from CA to FL for the winter, moving ourselves, traveling to NC, PA, NY for the holidays and now January is almost over as well. We found that, surprisingly for a winter release, the Grenache Rose has been incredibly well received and we're looking forward to having our wines served at outlets here in Ocala. Rona's hosting our first little schooling horse show this coming week; we still have a lot of projects in the works but it should be fun.
We're hoping to be back in a physical presence in CA by our return this summer and may even do a retail outlet in FL as well.
Here's hoping that 2022 is an amazing year for everyone.