The Accidental Winemaker
I never dreamed that I'd be a winemaker! Several years ago, we came to California with our small herd of horses to escape the Florida summers. While my wife was fully involved with the horses, I became interested in the vineyards around our ranch. Met some good people, got interested. And now, in 2020, we've bottled the first of grapes that I helped source and blend, wines that have my input with the assistance of master winemaker, Steve Clifton.
Hopefully, you will enjoy drinking these wines as much as I've enjoyed making them.
Kent Mitchell
How Time Flies
Wow, I can't believe it has been six months in Florida. Heading back to CA in June, horses and ducks in tow. We've had a wild winter; a 12w house project has taken the contractors 36w and we are just moving in with 10d to ship out!
Between that chaos and my "screw loose" discovery earlier this year, we've had quite a lot going on. Add some new grandbabies, a new daughter-in-law, and wow, time does fly.