The Accidental Winemaker
I never dreamed that I'd be a winemaker! Several years ago, we came to California with our small herd of horses to escape the Florida summers. While my wife was fully involved with the horses, I became interested in the vineyards around our ranch. Met some good people, got interested. And now, in 2020, we've bottled the first of grapes that I helped source and blend, wines that have my input with the assistance of master winemaker, Steve Clifton.
Hopefully, you will enjoy drinking these wines as much as I've enjoyed making them.
Kent Mitchell
Sometimes People Tell Me I Have A Screw Loose...
And apparently, they are correct! I had a cervical fusion surgery back in 2013 and in the past few weeks (after an epic ski trip with high school friends), noticed some increased neck pain. Fast forward to this week when xrays show that one of the screws has backed out about 1/2". So, off to surgery in the next few weeks.
So, no more ski trips for 2022 and time to buckle down and get the new wines bottled and ready for summer in California.
We're still settling in to our winter digs in Ocala, FL and looking to return to CA by summer. Rona and the horses are enjoying lots of hills to ride on the property, I'm enjoying walking the same.
Folks are really loving the new Rosè which makes us super happy as we loved it when it was nothing more than grape juice! Hope to be offering tastings in Solvang by this summer.